Water Pollution
WHAT EXACTLY IS WATER POLLUTION? WATER POLLUTION IS... The contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater by harmful substances. These contaminants can be either physical, chemical, or biological in nature, and they adversely affect the quality of water, making it unsafe for human use or harmful to aquatic ecosystems. COMMON SOURCES OF WATER POLLUTION The common sources include industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, improper disposal of waste, oil spills, and untraded sewage. https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/industrial-waste-discharge-2980832.jpg https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.T-6kda2X53L8t9jCCTB1QwHaEc?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain Example pictures of industrial discharges and oil spills HOW HAVE HUMAN ACTIVITIES IMPACTED THE ENVIRONMENT IN MY LOCAL COMMUNITY? Industrial Facilities Some industrial facilities release untreated or poorly treated wastewater into nearby rivers or streams. The discharge might contain pollutants such as heavy metals,